Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I dont have anything productive to do right now so I decided to be industrious and write some nonsense piece...[I guess the first line just about testifies to that]

Here is the imperfect weight loss program for works like a charm for me.

WARNING-your office must start at 7.00 am if this program's to work (don’t know if this diet will work for non vegetarians though)...if you are a late riser then I am sorry, this piece is not for you… and if you are on the lean side, you had better not read this either or just plain look for a new job..

Ok, here goes...
-> Get up anywhere between 4 and 5.30 am…depending on how far your office is from your workplace...
->have a pro-pah English breakfast [that’s corn flakes, a fruit and a cup of coffee]
->get to office and walk the 2kms from the gate to your actual workplace...
->keep at your work without any tea break till 11.30 am...that's when lunch is served...
->walk about 1km to reach the canteen...and make sure there are absolutely no trees on the way to protect you from the sun…
->eat about 1 roti and a cup (small cup) of rice...
->walk back to your workplace…by the time you reach your work station I assure, you would have digested most of what you have eaten...
-> Then work without the tea/coffee break for the next 5 hours...
->walk the 2kms back to the gate.... from there it’s your choice of transport to reach home (I take the bus)
->at home drink a glass of juice and eat some biscuits...
->have dinner at about 7.30...your choice…
->go to bed by 11pm...
And the whole process has to start all over again the next day and to be followed from Monday to can take a break on Sunday...
I guarantee you a weight loss of at least 2 kgs at the end of 2 weeks…


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

:-) ...i am the best person to write the first comment on this...Like u said, lot of relevance to me..:-)..Actually :-(..But knowing me for the past 5 years, i dont think u would ever try telling me to follow this. Quit Non Veg????Get up at 4????walk 2 Km????Nooo way....But i really hope there will be some "HEALTHY" person who would want to become "UNHEALTHY"... Using these terms for my satisfaction..hehehe........[I deleted the previous comment coz of some spelling mistake]

Deepti Dani said...

You are right. If I follow this plan, you will not be able to see me. I have already lost a lot of weight since you last saw me.