Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sindhu Bhiravi

I have been listening to the songs from this really old Tamil movie called Sindhu Bhiravi...and all I can say about my reaction to it is, that I am floored...
The songs actually make my hair stand at end...
All the songs have a strong classical base and the lyrics hold a lot of meaning...no peppy numbers here..
Pure melody...not like the nonsense that is being churned out now a days in the name of music...
Seriously, you will start loving Carnatic music if you listen to these songs..
Illayaraja and Jesudas seem to be at their best...
Jesudas renders the songs so effortlessly that you think, its so easy, i can sing it just like that..but when it actually comes down to it, the songs are really complex and very difficult...
a true maestro...
And I have noticed that which ever old song I like in Tamil is composed by Illayaraja and sung by Jesudas.. a truly remarkable combination methinks...
if you can get hold of the songs from this movie listen to them, they are amazing

Friday, April 13, 2007

I wish anyone who is reading this page a very happy new year... in Tamil- Puthaand nal vazhthaakal (spel?)
Yeah!! April showers are here...i coudnt have taken another week like the last one...it wasn't like bangalore at all...but all's well that ends well..

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Started watching 2 new shows on Star World-Heroes and Prison Break
As most English serials go, both seem to have incoherent series of events…but the issues tend to get sorted out after the initial few episodes and you start understanding the storylines...
My take on both-


Bunch of people from different countries (mostly from the US of A) who aren’t connected in anyway...thing they have in common- possess some kind of special power....
sample this- a guy who can read other people's thoughts, a guy who can absorb special people's powers, a guy who can fly, a cheerleader whose cells regenerate (that means- she can live through life threatening accidents without a scratch), etc.
anyway one of these people is a painter who paints the future under the influence (drugs!! of course)..And he comes up with a painting of a nuclear explosion and all these people have a part to play in saving the world from the explosion...
The Indian guy in it is really HOT :)... my favourite character though would be the Japanese guy who bends time and space (time travel) he is really funny...
There is one character though who suffers from MPD…I don’t know how that’s supposed to be a special power...
Its very reminiscent of X-MEN...you tend to compare the characters in the 2 but X-MEN was slicker and made on a larger scale and budget...

Rating: 3 and 1/2


If you don’t mind watching violence on TV, then this is a good pick...
Guy kills vice president's brother…does not confess to committing the crime but security tapes show otherwise…convicted and sentenced to death...
younger brother trusts him...pulls of a false heist and is thrown into the same penitentiary....has the whole prison layout tattooed on his body so he can get elder bro out...
Some characters thrown in include, murderer's former girlfriend (lawyer) who is searching for evidence as to who actually committed the crime...and a bunch of prisoners who can’t seem to keep out of trouble and can’t wait to get a share of killing younger bro...
The show is getting kind of interesting...difficult to understand the dialogues sometimes because of poor sound quality and dominance of the background music…but holds your interest for most part...

Rating: 3

P.S- ratings are out of 5 (obviously)

Monday, April 9, 2007

Do you find the neurotic need to do something over and over again, till it gets to the point of being really annoying and all you want to do is to get as far away from it as possible...but its like this vicious cycle that never stops..
For me these obsessive things (or habits more like) would include
Clicking the blocks in minesweeper over and over again...pointlessly… more often then not I just keep playing till my hands cant take it anymore..
Or humming the same song the whole day...till I get so annoyed, that I never want to hear it ever again...but the song if its really stubborn, usually gets stuck in my head weeks at end and I cant put a stop to it...
Or doodling away to glory on a piece of paper and only stop when the ink gets over…
Or sitting on the exercise bike and pedaling away even though I know I shouldn’t be losing anymore weight...
I sometimes wonder if these are just some quirks of mine or if it’s some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder or something... I am gonna go with quirks :)...

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Now that I am actually getting time to read the newspaper, I find a compelling need to criticize each and every section of the newspaper we buy...
Isn’t the first page supposed to carry the major news making headline the world over??? Or at least is in some way relevant to someone (read the general public)???
But no...the editor of this particular newspaper has to have the most annoying and the most unworthy bit of news on the first page and rest assured this godforsaken bit of news will surely make the headlines...
When there is a union budget, don’t ask ( I am rolling my eyes at this point)...everybody who is anybody (or even a nobody..) in the film industry, has to be interviewed and their expert comments(?) have to appear on the next day's issue...yeah I have got that right (film stars and budget?? what are these people thinking???)..
Then there is the sports section...geeezzzz!! This is like a 4 pages advertisement for the "Indian Cricket Team"...it either talks about their "latest spoils" in the game or, its some veteran giving his expert comment as to why the team is doing so well...
Hello!! there are other games besides cricket that we would like to hear about once in a while...
And if I start talking on the supplementary that comes along with it, I can go on and on...
The most annoying sheet surely has to be the page 3...with the pointless parties that the latest to make the page 3 crowd (the "it bunch") have been attending wearing the most dreadful costumes they could find in their closet...
The restaurant review will only feature the hippest of hip joints...and is sure to leave a big burning hole in your pocket if, you bother to visit any of the restaurants featured in this section…
And make sure you don’t watch any of the movies raved about for their excellence and fine acting...you will surely rue the day you took the reviewers take to heart and decided to watch the highly recommended movie...
A few good points though...
The sections on education and property are pretty good...so are the book reviews and a few good articles which might appear once in a blue moon...my personal favourite is the comics section though...(imagine the quality of this newspaper)...
Of course I could go the Tam Bram way and read "The Hindu" but I just can’t take the monotony either...

p.s- sorry for the large number of unnecessary question marks that appear in the blog

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I dont have anything productive to do right now so I decided to be industrious and write some nonsense piece...[I guess the first line just about testifies to that]

Here is the imperfect weight loss program for you...it works like a charm for me.

WARNING-your office must start at 7.00 am if this program's to work (don’t know if this diet will work for non vegetarians though)...if you are a late riser then I am sorry, this piece is not for you… and if you are on the lean side, you had better not read this either or just plain look for a new job..

Ok, here goes...
-> Get up anywhere between 4 and 5.30 am…depending on how far your office is from your workplace...
->have a pro-pah English breakfast [that’s corn flakes, a fruit and a cup of tea...no coffee]
->get to office and walk the 2kms from the gate to your actual workplace...
->keep at your work without any tea break till 11.30 am...that's when lunch is served...
->walk about 1km to reach the canteen...and make sure there are absolutely no trees on the way to protect you from the sun…
->eat about 1 roti and a cup (small cup) of rice...
->walk back to your workplace…by the time you reach your work station I assure, you would have digested most of what you have eaten...
-> Then work without the tea/coffee break for the next 5 hours...
->walk the 2kms back to the gate.... from there it’s your choice of transport to reach home (I take the bus)
->at home drink a glass of juice and eat some biscuits...
->have dinner at about 7.30...your choice…
->go to bed by 11pm...
And the whole process has to start all over again the next day and to be followed from Monday to Saturday...you can take a break on Sunday...
I guarantee you a weight loss of at least 2 kgs at the end of 2 weeks…